Dear families,Introduction


Daily Routines are the sheets/booklets you use to record attendance, hygiene, feeding, naps, ...

ChildDiary allows you to record daily routines in an easier way, so there is no information that gets lost "because dad forgets to tell mum" and it also saves a lot of time!

You can also add your assistant and thus divide up the work in class :)

To know how to register attendance through QR Codes see this article

What can be recorded

ChildDiary allows you to record daily routines more simply, no information gets lost "because dad forgot to tell mum" and saves you lots of time!

This is what can be recorded:

  • Attendances (automatically, manually or with QR Codes)
  • Meals
  • Bottles
  • Naps
  • Nap details
  • Hygiene
  • Activities
  • Messages
  • Occurrences

How to use

Step 1 - Select the Clock icon

Step 2 - Define the room of the children you want to record the routine for, or define the ‘All’ room to show all the children you have access to

Step 3 - Hit the "Clock in" button

Step 4 - You can set:

  • the child's entry time
  • the member of the family who brought the child
  • or Absence reason

Apply to all

To reduce the time spent on this type of registration ChildDiary has a "Apply to all" function. This way you can make a record for everyone and only change the exceptions. 

Example: "All children are present only Alexandra is sick". 

The same can be done for all other records (feeding, naps, errands, ...)

Automatic Confirmation of Attendance

Children's attendance is automatically confirmed when a parent sees the Register.

The identification of who confirmed attendance and when can be seen in the attendance report