In this article you will learn:

What are Categories

The secret of the platform is in the creation of the appropriate Categories and Observations for them.

Categories in ChildDiary are a team-working tool for educators. Therefore, they must be created as a team.

Each institution can define which categories make sense to use, e.g. field trips, projects, menus, portfolio, etc.

The "Categories" are created only once by the Manager, being visible to all colleagues in the Institution. However, each Educator will only have access to what they put into the Category.

What Categories are used for

Categories are used to organize the information you consider relevant. You can have a Category for Birthdays, On-line Education, Developed Projects, Circulars, Assessments,...whatever makes more sense. 

Only the Manager and Educator will have access to the contents of the Categories.

How to put the information in Categories

To put the registers (Messages, Observations, Planns, etc) you have made into Categories, just choose the "Categories" option before saving, select the Category you want, Save and you're done :-)

How to create Categories

  1. Click on "All" option
  2. Select "Categories
  3. Click on "Add New Category 
  4. Type the name of the folder
  5. Click on the "Submit" button